[Another old vox.com post]
Boutique Energy Companies
Nov 14, 2006
Will we soon see this?
Boutique energy companies, will you pay a premium for someone to manage your energy needs?
A BEC would come into your home and carry out energy surveys for you, suggest solutions and oversee and project manage the installation of various energy saving systems (insulation, solar water heating, wind turbine).
They will also install an equivallent of the Wattson, maybe each plug and light fitting in your house will have a chip in it that makes it unique, they will be able to monitor your electricity usage (and maybe gas if you use that for heating or cooking). They would be able to report annomolies and also find you the best energy supplier on as ‘on the fly’ as it is possible in the energy world.
They will balance cost and the eco damage of the suppliers, maybe shifting around.
When you move house, they will come in and remove your tags (or leave them with a calling card for the next occupant, though switched off. The option for removal will be important, for the next 10 years at least people will be paranoid about people spying on their energy usage).