I have recently completed my residency at the Lighthouse Studios, where I developed a couple of projects, evolving Emotional Infrastructure and Palindrone.
Since I was trying to be at the studio at least two days a week and I live in London, this involved some train time. Not unknown for people to commute along this line but for me it was an extra couple of hours on the train. I thought I would list the books, reading material that I had with me on this journey too and from Brighton.
In no particular order:
- Paul Virilio: Desert Screen
- Paul Virilio: War & Cinema
- Paul Virilio: Speed & Politics
- Paul Virilio: Pure War
- Steve Goodman: Sonic Warfare
- Manuel DeLanda: War in the age of intelligent machines
- Michael Ignatieff: Virtual War
- Raymond Wacks: Prtivacy, A very short introduction
- Eyal Weizman: Hollow Land
- Geoff Manaugh: BldgBlog Book
- Muhammad Yunus: Creating a world without poverty
- Ethan Zuckerman: Rewire
- McKenzie Wark: The beach beneath the streets
- Guy Debord: The society of the spectacle
- Slavoj Zizeck: A year of living dangerously
- Patrick Kieler: The view from the train
- Adam Greenfield: Against the smart city
- Medea Benjamin: Drone Warefare: Killing by remote control
I have probably forgotten some things, papers read and books which I dipped into rather than read cover to cover, but the list shows where my head was at for the last couple of months (and now).